On Tue, Apr 09, 2013 at 01:37:19PM -0700, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> Some time ago on the main D mailing list, somebody (deadalnix?)
> suggested extending the range interface to have a .transient function
> that returns a transient version of the range. The idea goes something
> like this:

P.S. I left out one important bit: in order for .transient to be
workable in generic code, we make use of UFCS to provide a default
.transient method that simply returns the original range:

        auto transient(R)(R range) {
                return range;

The idea being that if a particular range doesn't declare .transient,
it's non-transient, and any generic code that tries to call .transient
will simply get the original range back. So a generic algorithm that is
written to be transient-aware will work normally with a normal range
with no modifications.


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