On 04/09/2013 11:02 PM, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
> 1. documentation.  Make sure the user of the range knows that this data is 
> going
> to be re-used.

In this case it's quite unlikely anyone will ever want to use the code apart
from me, but yes, good point. :-)

> 2. Make front() return const if possible.  It is another signal that you 
> aren't
> supposed to keep this data.
> 3. For your specific situation, add lastFront():

It's an interesting thought.  I don't think it's ultimately the right way to go
-- yes, my application rests strongly on finding the last value, but the problem
is very simply that popFront kills the value _before_ finding out if the range
is now empty.

The only logical option that I can see is to tweak things so that doesn't
happen, which is possible but probably a little bit more finnicky than the
current implementation.

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