On Thursday, 11 July 2013 at 12:00:20 UTC, Gary Willoughby wrote:
Also i've noticed that the compiler doesn't complain if templated functions are not implemented in the classes that implement the interface, which is wrong!

What you've done is declared a non-virtual member of the interface without a definition. This is, in itself, completely fine:

/* myinterface.di */

interface Foo
    void bar(); // virtual member; implemented in derived classes

final void foo(); // Declaration without definition, as this is a D interface module (equivalent of a C or C++ header file)

/* myinterface.d */

interface Foo
    void bar(); // virtual member; implemented in derived classes

    final void foo()
        // Defines 'Foo.foo'

The above example displays useful behaviour and is thus allowed, but with templated functions, the declaration and definition may not be separated in this way, so it only makes sense for non-templated functions.

If you try to link an executable using code that uses the definition-less declarations (D interface module), *without providing the linker with code that implements (defines) those declarations*, you will get a linker error like the one you did. What you did was instantiate a function template without a definition then trying to link an executable without that code, giving you the error. It doesn't actually make any sense to try to separate templated function declarations from their definitions, so the code should be refused at compile-time.

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