On Saturday, 3 August 2013 at 19:12:40 UTC, bearophile wrote:

My guess though, is that it's the same syntax as in C? Use a straight up elispis:

void foo(...).

Note that you *can't* extract the types from the vararg unless you *guess* them from an alternative source (for example, "fmt" in the printf function)

Also, importing "core.vararg" should get you whatever you'd get in 'vararg.h'/"stdarg.h". From there, I don't think D does anything specific that's not actually just C.

D supports both C and D style variadiac functions. D variadiac functions also have a _arguments of type TypeInfo[].

See here about in the middle of the page:

The more you know I guess. Good to see D made the whole thing more robust. I've never had a usecase for runtime variadic, but thanks for the link.

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