On Saturday, 3 August 2013 at 15:59:30 UTC, Marek Janukowicz wrote:
It's really nice to have some chat about the correctness of example code
snippets, but can anyone help me with the original issue? :)

Sorry, apparently I forgot to include the actual content:. ;)

Socket.select is an ancient (in D terms) API; you just need to handle the returned error code manually and retry if the errno is actually EINTR resp. its WinSock equivalent.

See https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/master/lib/d/src/thrift/server/transport/socket.d#L144 for a production-tested implementation. When I wrote that code, it wasn't possible to do this in a platform-independent way using std.socket (see https://github.com/apache/thrift/blob/master/lib/d/src/thrift/internal/socket.d for the used constants), and I don't think it is now either.


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