On Tuesday, 10 September 2013 at 16:45:33 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 06:00:53PM +0200, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
Johannes Pfau wrote something like this, in the logger thread:

>If you write code like this:
>void log(string file = __FILE__)() //A template
>  logImpl(file);
>void logImpl(string file){} //Not a template
>The compiler can always inline the log template. So there's no
>template bloat as there will be effectively no instances of >log.
>Instead it will be inlined and logImpl will be called directly
>just as if you manually called logImpl(__FILE__).

I'm trying something like that, but with __LINE__ in addition to put
a little more pressure:

    void log(string file = __FILE__, int line = __LINE__)(){
logImpl(file, line); }
    void logImpl(string file, int line){}

I've then compiled a single file filled with 'log()', but I've found
from 'nm' that the text section is still full of templated

So the question is: is Johannes trick supposed to work, or there's
something I don't understand well about template expansion and

Did you compile with dmd -inline?

Having said that, if you don't have variadic arguments, __FILE__ and
__LINE__ should be default arguments at the end of the *runtime*
argument list. Runtime arguments should be used to prevent template

void log(/* other arguments here */, string file=__FILE__, int line=__LINE__)

If you have variadic arguments, though, this wouldn't work.

In any case, if the template function is just a thin wrapper around logImpl, and you're compiling with -inline, then there should be no runtime overhead. The compiler will still emit template instantiations for each call to log(), but you can get rid of this with link-time
optimization (on Posix, you'd add -L-gc-sections to your dmd
command-line: this will cause ld to delete code sections that are never referenced, which includes the log() instantiations if indeed they have
been inlined).


Thank you to everybody,

As you can guess, I would like to have variadic arguments: I'll try to investigate if some mixin syntax is not too horrible to be use...


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