On Monday, 16 September 2013 at 21:11:00 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
On 09/16/13 22:52, H. S. Teoh wrote:
On Mon, Sep 16, 2013 at 10:38:58PM +0200, Namespace wrote:
D is not only about arrays.
It's a big plus. ;)

[1] Obviously, not a practical short term option for the existing D2 language. That's probably clear from the context, and the question was meant to be rhetorical -- but it could actually be done and would make sense; it's just not a change that would make enough of a
difference on its own; the cost would be to high.

Why to high? Too much compiler magic or dmd internal dependences?

I disagree that it's too high. It just needs *somebody* with the right knowledge about DMD internals (and enough free time on their hands >:-))
to pull it off.

I thought (s)he was asking about *arrays*, not AAs. There's no disagreement about removing AA magic - that does not involve language changes.


Yes, he was. ;)
Thanks for explanation.

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