On Monday, 16 September 2013 at 07:36:13 UTC, simendsjo wrote:
I don't have a full example without adding a lot of code, but this partial
example might give you the gist of it.

// This is the type that validates
struct matches(string mustMatch)
    alias re = ctRegex!(mustMatch);

    static string[] validate(T)(const ref T t)
        static if(!isSomeString!T)
static assert(0, "matches only works on strings, not "~T.stringof);
        return match(t, re).empty ? ["no match"] : null;

// and this is the code that runs all validators for a variable
void validate(alias T)(ref Appender!(string[]) app)
    static if(isTupleWrapper!T)
        foreach(memberAttr; getValidaterAttrs!T)
            foreach(attr; memberAttr.Tail)
                foreach(msg; attr.validate(T))

// .. And here is some of the plumbing

string[] validate(Vars...)()
    auto app = appender!(string[])();
    return app.data();

// The getMembersAndAttributesWhere are templates in my little library that isn't released. Uses quite some custom __traits stuff, but it's basically __traits(getAttributes
template getValidaterAttrs(alias T)
alias getValidaterAttrs = TypeTuple!(getMembersAndAttributesWhere!(T, isValidationAttr).Elements, getMembersAndAttributesWhere!(TypeOf!T, isValidationAttr).Elements);

// Well.. Incomplete
template isValidationAttr(alias T)
    enum isValidationAttr = hasMember!(TypeOf!T, "validate");

Can I explicitly specify when I can use attribute? Something like

struct matches(string mustMatch)

string wrongAttribute

class Foo
    string someNumber; //OK, it's a field

@matches("[0-9]+") //Error, it's a class, not a field
class Bar

@wrongAttribute //Error, this attribute doesn't exist
class C

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