On Friday, 27 September 2013 at 11:52:46 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
That is weird. I have used some common CI platforms like Jenkins for D projects with no issues. Those are simply irrelevant to actual language used.

There must be something I am missing. Can you give quick summary what drone.io is actually about? It is not clear from their web site and I don't like to watch promo videos.

To be clear it is not important to me that it be drone.io - again that is my first exposure to CI. But for Dart I have a github repository containing a package with a bunch of tests that succeed. I go to drone and create a project. In the process it offers to select any of my github repositories and then you select the language. A small script drives the *test* which is usually just something that runs calls out to your test scripts. The language you select allows the build to know what to do after cloning your repository before calling your test. So for the case of dart, it shows the version of dart being used (which they keep as the latest version), then it does a *pub install* which installs all your Dart package requirements, then it runs your tests. If they pass your badge, which is a link to the status of the latest build is green.

Here is a sample badge for a json schema validator: https://drone.io/github.com/patefacio/json_schema/latest

The nice thing is, any time you commit to github a build is automatically kicked off and you get notification of success/failure.

I think the setup would work well with the right prereqs on the box and with dub replacing pub for installing dependencies. Maybe others are using something else - like Jenkins? It looks like julia has a fair amount of this done with Travis. So what does/should D users reach for?

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