Hi folks,

Is there anyway to make std.process.spawnShell or std.process.pipeShell capture the output of the shell interface?

For example, the code:

import std.stdio;
import std.process;
void main(string[] args){

    writefln("Executing: %s", args[1]);
    auto processPipes = pipeShell(args[1], Redirect.all);
    foreach(str; processPipes.stdout.byLine){
        writefln("STDOUT: %s",str);
    foreach(str; processPipes.stderr.byLine){
        writefln("STDERR: %s",str);

is compiled to an executable called "mess".
When executed with the following produces:
~/test$ ./mess ls
Executing: ls
STDOUT: mess
STDOUT: text.txt

Thats all fine, however, I'd expect it to print another "~/test$" at the end, as if its an interactive shell waiting for input.

Is that an incorrect assumption to make or am I doing something wrong that is stopping that from happening?

Also, If I run /bin/bash through program, it hangs.

~/test$ ./mess /bin/bash
Executing: /bin/bash



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