On 10/10/13 20:54, Dicebot wrote:
> On Thursday, 10 October 2013 at 17:47:54 UTC, Namespace wrote:
>> ----
>> import std.stdio;
>> void foo1(void function(void*) fp) { }
>> void foo2(void function(int) fp) { }
>> void foo3(void*) { }
>> void main()
>> {
>>     foo1((void* ptr) => ( assert(ptr is null) ));
>>     foo2((int a) => ( a + 1 )); /// Fails: Error: function foo2 (void 
>> function(int) fp) is not callable using argument types (int function(int a) 
>> pure nothrow @safe)
>>     foo1(&foo3);
>>     void foo4(void function(void*) fp) { }
>>     foo1(&foo4); /// Fails: Error: function foo1 (void function(void*) fp) 
>> is not callable using argument types (void delegate(void function(void*) fp))
>> }
>> ----
> You are using short lambda syntax "a => b". Here `b` is always return 
> statement. It is equivalent to "(a) { return b; }". And your `foo2` signature 
> expects lambda returning void, like "(a) { return; }"
> Second error is DMD incompetence in deducing minimal required type of nested 
> function. It always treats them as delegates (== having hidden context 
> pointer) even if those do not refer any actual context. And plain lambdas are 
> of course binary incompatible with delegates (closures) because of that extra 
> pointer field.

It's probably not just "incompetence" (the compiler is able to figure this
out in other contexts), but a deliberate choice. Having function types
depend on their bodies would not be a good idea. Eg

    int c;
    auto f() {
       int a = 42;
       int f1() { return a; }
       int f2() { return 0; }
       return !c?&f1:&f2;

Mark f2 as 'static' and this code will no longer compile. If that would
be done automatically then you'd have to 'undo' it manually, which would
cause even more problems (consider generic code, which isn't prepared
to handle this).


[1] at least without other language improvements; enabling overloading on
    'static', plus a few other enhancements, would change the picture.

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