On 10/13/13 02:25, luminousone wrote:
> On Saturday, 12 October 2013 at 23:48:56 UTC, Artur Skawina wrote:
>>    template isBaseOf(BASE, C) {
>>       enum isBaseOf = {
>>          static if (is(C S == super))
>>             foreach (A; S)
>>                static if (isBaseOf!(BASE, A))
>>                   return true;
>>          return is(C==BASE);
>>       }();
>>    }
>> Sorry, didn't test this properly; going to blame the dlang is-expression 
>> docs.
>> It's not like D has multiple inheritance, so using "base classes" (plural)
>> is very misleading...

> yea "is" can be a lil confusing, especially that "is( C S == super)" 
> expression.
> I take it that "is( C S == super)" is only the bases directly listed for 
> inheritance by the class and not the bases bases as well? which is the reason 
> for the change you made their?

Yes, D supports only single inheritance, so there can never be more than
one "super" class (plus interfaces). I'm not using classes in D often and
when I looked up that is-expr syntax, the wrong doc confused me. It should
say "base class" (or "super class"), not "base classes".


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