On Sunday, 10 November 2013 at 00:08:11 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
I've already asked for this in the past (see email: "feature request:
__ARGS__ for logging (cf __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNC___):

but Jacob pointed out that AST macros would make this un-necessary (like wise with another proposal I made "proposal: a new string litteral to embed
variables in a string" ):

"I don't think that __ARGS__ is a bad idea, I just think that there are several features in D which could be replaced with a library solution using
AST macros (if those were available)"

So let's either get a roadmap for introducing AST macros (preferred) or
let's allow this very simple __ARGS__ in the language.

Agreed. I did think that AST macro's may present a solution, also the __ARGS__ solution is a good possibility too. I use __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ a lot now that we finally got it, and __ARGS__ would be an excellent addition that I would definitely use.

If AST macros can allow us to define library solutions to create something like __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ and __ARGS__, that would be the ultimate solution for sure.


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