I am using the derelict-sfml2 package in my code. My code:

import std.stdio;
import derelict.sfml2.window;

void main()
        sfVideoMode videoMode = sfVideoMode(1280, 720);
sfWindow* window = sfWindow_create(videoMode, "Animation", sfNone, null);

For some reason this always crashes inside a "void load( string libNames )" function. The crash seems to happen inside the 'DerelictSFML2Window.load();'.

Why is that? I am using Visual Studio 2013, with the VisualD add-on. I have created the solution using "dub generate visuald"; this is my project.json:

        "name": "testing",
        "description": "testing",
        "authors": ["Jeroen Bollen"],
        "dependencies": {
                "derelict-sfml2" : "~master",

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