On Friday, 6 December 2013 at 19:50:52 UTC, Jeroen Bollen wrote:
I am using the derelict-sfml2 package in my code. My code:

import std.stdio;
import derelict.sfml2.window;

void main()
        sfVideoMode videoMode = sfVideoMode(1280, 720);
sfWindow* window = sfWindow_create(videoMode, "Animation", sfNone, null);

For some reason this always crashes inside a "void load( string libNames )" function. The crash seems to happen inside the 'DerelictSFML2Window.load();'.

Is it crashing or are you getting an exception? If the CSFML DLLs are not on your system path, then you'll get exceptions when trying to load them. Make sure the DLLs are in the app's working directory when you run it.

Also, for Derelict-specific issues, it's probably better to post to the Derelict forums[1] rather than here.

[1] http://dblog.aldacron.net/forum/index.php

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