It looks like the writeln() does a pretty good job, even for enum names.

I also saw a prettyprint example that prints the structure member name, and compared its output.$93u$

module main;

import std.stdio;
import std.traits;

void main()
    enum Suit { spades, hearts=4, diamonds=10, clubs }
    enum SuitShort { spd, hrt=4, dmd=10, clb }

static struct Suits { Suit nm; int val; int val2; SuitShort shortNm;}

    static Suits[] suits =  [
                {Suit.spades, 1, 6, SuitShort.spd},
                {Suit.hearts, 4, 10, SuitShort.hrt},
                {, 4, 10, SuitShort.dmd},
                {Suit.clubs, 10, 16, SuitShort.clb}

    foreach (immutable member;  suits)
        auto fields = __traits(allMembers, typeof(member));
        auto values = member.tupleof;

        foreach (index, value; values)
            writef("%s=%s, ", fields[index], value);

nm=spades, val=1, val2=6, shortNm=spd,
immutable(Suits)(spades, 1, 6, spd)
nm=hearts, val=4, val2=10, shortNm=hrt,
immutable(Suits)(hearts, 4, 10, hrt)
nm=diamonds, val=4, val2=10, shortNm=dmd,
immutable(Suits)(diamonds, 4, 10, dmd)
nm=clubs, val=10, val2=16, shortNm=clb,
immutable(Suits)(clubs, 10, 16, clb)

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