On 12/22/2013 10:00 PM, Artur Skawina wrote:
On 12/22/13 20:21, Mike Wey wrote:
On 12/22/2013 03:36 PM, Russel Winder wrote:

Python now uses the reflection approach to providing a Python binding to
the API: PyGTK has given way to PyGobject. Has the PyGobject approach
been rejected for GtkD staying with the PyGtk approach?

I don't think that would be a good approach with D, you either need a whole lot 
of compile time magic, or loose type safety and do everything at runtime.

It's not that bad; no compile time magic and zero runtime overhead is
possible: http://repo.or.cz/w/girtod.git/tree/gtk2:/gtk2

While I haven't updated those bindings  in ~2 two years, they should
still work; may just need some tweaks, to deal with recent d language
changes and to support newer lib features. The biggest remaining issue
is lack of integrated Cairo bindings.


Those are generated from the gir files beforehand like GtkD is generated from the documentation (Moving to a gir based generator is on the TODO list, but time currently doesn't permit it). While with the PyGobject approach the bindings aren't generated beforehand but everything is done at runtime.

Mike Wey

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