On 2/4/2012 2:04 PM, Era Scarecrow wrote:
struct X {
    int i;
    pure int squaredPlus(int x) {
        return x*x + i
    alias squaredPlus sqp;

    X st(15);

    writeln(st.sqp(0));  //15
    int i1 = st.sqp(10); st.i++;
    int i2 = st.sqp(10); st.i++;
    int i3 = st.sqp(10); st.i++;
    int i4 = st.sqp(10); st.i++;

You can rewrite these like so:

int i1 = sqp(st, 10); st.i++;
int i2 = sqp(st, 10); st.i++;
int i3 = sqp(st, 10); st.i++;
int i4 = sqp(st, 10);

At this point it becomes a little more obvious that these cannot be reordered because their arguments have a shared dependency, just like the following cannot be reordered:

int i = 15;
int i1 = i * i; ++i;
int i2 = i * i; ++i;
int i3 = i * i; ++i;
int i4 = i * i;

I hope we all agree that opMult(int, int) is pure, and that is both safe to reorder its execution with non-dependent args, and unsafe to do so here.

    assert(i1 == 100); //pass/fail?
> [...]

Fail.  It should be i1 == 115. ;)


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