On Thu, Jan 02, 2014 at 04:31:24PM -0800, David Held wrote:
> I think this is a language defect:
> struct Foo
> {
>     int computed() pure { return x * y; }
>     int wrapper() const { return computed() + 5; }
>     int x;
>     int y;
> }
> void main()
> {
> }
> src\Bug2.d(4): Error: mutable method Bug2.Foo.computed is not
> callable using a const object
> Surprisingly, this is legal, and "fixes" the issue:
>     int computed() const pure { return x * y; }
> I say this is a bug because of what a "non-const pure" method would
> be: a method which could somehow modify 'this', or its members.  I
> hope we all agree that such a method is not, in fact, pure.  Let's
> try, just to make sure:
>     int computed() pure { return ++x * y; }
> Oh noes...this is allowed!!!  Surely this is wrong.  Suppose we
> rewrote the method like so:
>     int computed(ref int x, int y) pure { return ++x * y; }
> Would anyone say this is legit?

You're confused because D's purity system is not quite the same as the
purity in functional languages. In D, there's the notion of "strong
purity" vs. "weak purity":

- Strong purity is what most people would understand as "pure" in the
  functional language sense. In D, this is the purity you get when a
  function is (1) pure, and (2) its arguments have no mutable

- D, however, extends the notion of purity to what is called "weak
  purity", which permits mutation of external data, but with the
  restriction that this mutation can only take place through references
  passed in as arguments to the function.

This is why you need to write "const pure" when you want strong purity,
because under the definition of weak purity, the function is allowed to
modify data via 'this'.

What's the point of weak purity, you may ask? The basic idea is this:
since D is an imperative language, it is most natural to write
imperative style code containing mutation of local variables, etc., but
from a functional language's POV these are all impure operations and are
therefore not allowed in 'pure' code. So you'd have to write 'pure'
functions in a convoluted, unnatural style (i.e., in a functional style)
in order to conform to the definition of purity. However, this
restriction is actually superfluous if all of the side-effects caused by
the function is never visible to the outside world. Mutation of local
variables is allowed because nobody outside the function will see this
mutation. So, as far as the outside world is concerned, the function is
still pure, and the fact that it uses 'impure' constructs like mutation
of local variables is a mere implementation detail. So modification of
local state is permitted in pure functions.

So far so good. But what of weak purity? The motivation behind weak
purity comes from the observation that if some helper function, let's
call it helper(), can only mutate data via its arguments, then it is
legal to call it from a strongly-pure function, because since the
strongly-pure function has no outside-observable side-effects, any data
it is allowed to mutate can only be local state unobservable to the
outside world. This in turn means that it is impossible for the
strongly-pure function to pass a mutable reference to any global state
to helper(), and therefore, whatever helper() does can only affect state
local to the strongly-pure function. As a result, none of helper()'s
side-effects (when called from a strongly-pure function) will be visible
to the outside world either.

This expanded scope of allowable code in a strongly-pure function is
desirable, because it can simplify implementation in many cases.
Duplicated code can be avoided (no need to rewrite something just
because a pure function needs to call it but it just so happens to not
be strongly pure), and you can create class instances inside a
strongly-pure function and mutate it by calling its methods -- as long
as the methods are subject to the restriction that they only ever mutate
state reachable via their arguments, and nothing else. As long as the
class instance remains strictly local to the strongly-pure function, the
outside world wouldn't know any better (nor care) -- the function is
still strongly pure as far as it is concerned.  Thus, we can expand the
scope of what can be considered pure in D, while still enjoying the
benefits of purity (no (observable) side-effects, cacheability, etc.).

So in view of this, D's 'pure' keyword has come to mean 'weakly pure',
that is, modification of data is allowed via indirections passed in as
function arguments (the 'this' pointer is considered an argument), but
direct modification of global state is strictly prohibited. Finally, a
(weakly) pure function is strongly-pure when its arguments contain no
mutable indirections, because then, together with the weakly-pure
restriction, this implies that the function cannot modify any external
state at all, since the only permitted avenue of doing so -- via
function arguments -- contains no mutable indirections, so the function
is unable to reach any outside state.

This is the reason for Timon's response that you need to write 'const
pure' when you mean "strongly-pure"; "pure" by itself means
"weakly-pure" because the 'this' pointer is mutable by default.


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