On Fri, 2014-01-24 at 02:29 +0000, Ellery Newcomer wrote:

I have just tried a trivial D source shared object on Debian Unstable
using DMD 2.064.2 from d-apt. Compile up the shared object with entries
C linkage, try to use ctypes or CFFI from Python just gives a
segmentation violation :-(

> python wants shared libs, not static libs. but this is very 
> fiddly. so use pyd.
> 1. clone the ariovistus/pyd repo
> 2. from top dir, type
> python setup install
> python runtests.py hello

Probably want to use a virtualenv for this rather than install into the
base installation

> (or
> cd examples/hello
> python setup.py build
> python test.py)
> this will run the code found in examples/hello (it's a simple 
> python calls D)
> use python 2.7 and have dmd 2.064 on your path somewhere. It 
> should just work.

It needs to work for Python 3.3 as well!

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.win...@ekiga.net
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