On Thursday, 30 January 2014 at 03:28:57 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
So, there is a module core.stdc.config (referenced here):


That is presumably part of the D Standard library. I am curious to know why no mention of this library is included at:


Is it not part of Phobos? Are there standard modules in D that are not included in Phobos? If so, where would one find the list of these modules.

The way i see what's available is to take a look at the files installed by the compiler. The directory is different for all operating systems but it's great to look at the source code of all the different modules.

For example on Mac OSX 10.8.5 'core.stdc.config' is located at '/usr/share/dmd/src/druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d'. There you can see how the types are constructed and what they represent. For Linux just type 'locate config.d' in the terminal. For Windows it's all in 'C:\d' i think.

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