
I always thought that D would be much easier to learn than C++ as all the people always say that C++ is the most complex language. After what I have learned so far D seems to be much more complex which isn't bad in general, but the learning curve doesn't feel so well atm as I am mainly confused by many things instead of getting what happens behind the scene.

D is not a small language, it contains many features, but compared to C++ it has less corner cases, less traps, and on default it's often safer than C++. In C++ you need to take care of many details if you want to write correct code. Writing D code should be faster and safer than C++.

immutability which result in zero performance boost in non-paralell environments,

A good D compiler like ldc2 is sometimes able to optimize better the code that uses immutable/const. But immutability is also for the programmer: to make the code simpler to reason about, and safer.

the fact that classes are by-ref and structs are by-val is also confusing from time to time to be honest.)

D seems to be more problematic when it comes to learning how to
optimize the code.

Perhaps because D also focuses a little more on correctness of the code. You see this even more in Ada language.

I would love to see how much performance a D vetaran like you is able to grab out of my codes. Just tell me where I shall upload them and I will do so.

I guess your code is composed by just one or two small D modules, so you can post it here:
You can also upload there the Java code, to help me compare and to know what you were trying to write :-)

However, what is true is, that it is (at least for me) harder to learn how to write efficient code for D than it was to learn it for C++.

But I think on average it's a little harder to write correct code in C++ compared to D.


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