On Sunday, 2 March 2014 at 18:59:23 UTC, Steve Teale wrote:
On Sunday, 2 March 2014 at 15:23:03 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
This is a pretty good primer to templates:


The trouble is with most of these tutorials that they offer examples that are things you would probably never want to do. I can already add an int to an int, or a double to a double, or an int to a double.

Perhaps the examples should pick on something like vector operations, but then who would be doing those with int, or some class? It would be doubles or pairs of, as in struct Coord.

I believe readers would study documentation and examples much more carefully if they were things they might realistically want to do. And that won't be type conversion - std.conv already does a pretty good job on that. So what?

We could really do with a place where template savvy open source contributors could publish interesting examples of template use.

Otherwise, Joe Soap, like me, can spend a great deal of time and effort in:

a) Determining when the use of a template might be advantageous,
b) Hacking at test programs to determine what the documentation means, and what works, and what doesn't. c) After that, deciding whether it would be just as effective to use two or three separate methods.



I'm always willing to use templates, but maybe in fact the use cases are limited. I have a class for html elements (that implements DOM functionality), and a class for building trees with the tags. Of course, for html tags only string as a type makes sense.

class Element(T) {



class HTMLElement(T) if (is (T == string)) {


Tree(T) {


I implemented it as a template, because I thought it might be useful for other types as well, if I want to build a hierarchical tree of extracted data, be it integers, floating point numbers or whatever at a later point. However, I don't know a) if this will ever be the case and b) if I won't have to modify the template to adapt to new data types (which kinda defeats the purpose). I'm not against templates, I'm just not sure, if there are so many general or generalizable cases in programming for which templates are _the_ solution.

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