On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 13:49:59 UTC, Dicebot wrote:
On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 11:59:47 UTC, Colin Grogan wrote:
I'm interested to hear peoples methods for getting around the lack of foreach loops while using CTFE?

Currently, I've been using a lot of recursive templates, but its beginning to give me a headache and I'd like to see if there's better ways around it.

On a related note, is there plans to add foreach support to CTFE?

Looks like you mix the terminology here. CTFE is "Compile-Time Function Evaluation" and means exactly that - interpretation of normal D function during compile-time. Of course, you can use foreach as usual inside those.

You post implies that you in fact ask about generic compile-time algorithms over compile-time argument lists, which is _not_ the same as CTFE. Indeed, lack of static declarative foreach causes lot of pain during meta-programming.

Relatively common pattern to avoid recursive template horror is to use private CTFE function inside the template:

template Stuff(T...)
    private string doStuff()
        string result;
        foreach (Index, Arg; T)
            // compute value or generate D code
        return result;

    enum Stuff = doStuff();
    // ..or for complex code-generating things:

Yeah, I am mixing the two up. Not sure what I was thinking before! Thanks for clarifying.

Im trying to parse command line args and then build a struct that will, at run-time, hold the data the user passed in via command line args. Very similar to Pythons docopt utility -> https://github.com/docopt/docopt

Up till now, I've been using templates to do all of the work, but now that I realise I can do it all with functions I might try that. Then use a mixin template to create the struct with whatever data is required.

I'm sure I'll be back to bombard ye with questions soon!

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