On Friday, 28 March 2014 at 14:42:54 UTC, Colin Grogan wrote:
Im trying to parse command line args and then build a struct that will, at run-time, hold the data the user passed in via command line args. Very similar to Pythons docopt utility -> https://github.com/docopt/docopt

Up till now, I've been using templates to do all of the work, but now that I realise I can do it all with functions I might try that. Then use a mixin template to create the struct with whatever data is required.

I'm sure I'll be back to bombard ye with questions soon!

Did you try looking into "std.getopt"? It's pretty much the same thing. It doesn't quite do the "useage/help" thing automatically though (yet). But, IMO, that's trivial to implement.

It's the parsing of arguments you don't want to rewrite. That's complicated.

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