But my question more was about where do you plan to put so many of these objects that you will save a significant amount of bytes, aside from the heap (which already uses 16-byte blocks).
Hm.. Stack/emplace, arrays, n-dimensional arrays? :) Besides, if we're talking of D as a system language to replace C++ and to scratch everything out of a silicon wafer (also think of embedded platforms here), it's crucial for me to be able to control such things. From my experience, in a 5000-class project you would have about 20 classes that need to be synchronized on. Moreover, mutex synchronization is not in fashion nowadays, as we tend to use transitional synchronization. And so my 4980 classes will contain an extra field i don't use. What?? =)

It would not be derived from Object, which has the field. In other words, this would crash:
Those are your words.

Then what is this object? All D objects derive from Object.
Those are your words also =)

The meaning of shared is not well defined. Even TDPL is outdated on this.

The idea in the book is that shared types would use memory barriers to ensure correct ordering of access, and correct data access. But it does not prevent races for multiple threads, you still need synchronized.
Yes, i understand that. By implementing a shared class, you're on your own with syncing, but also you tell the user, that your class doesn't need to be synchronized on. Right?

Unshared objects, on the other hand, should not ever need synchronization tools, since only one thread has access!
Here's two use-cases.
class A {}
shared class B {}

// Somewhere in code
    shared A sharedA; // This would need synchronized() on access.
A unsharedA; // This would not. But since, the class is defined as unshared, we still will have __monitor in it, and that is good, since we can cast between unshared A and shared A.

    B b;
shared B sharedB; // Here in both cases we know, that we will never need to sync on b or sharedB, as both of those are "thread safe" (it's not our business, how they do it, but they kinda are). So do we need this __monitor, which will never be used actually?

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