Imho, offtop, also i'm a C++/Obj-C guy and that might partially explain my preferences, but here are some more reasons: 1. I like the concept of CT-reflection and CTFE a lot. This makes metaprogramming extremely powerful without any RT overheads. It brings a lot more control to what goes to RT. I guess D still needs to shrink it's runtime a bit more, and __monitors is just another example of that. 2. It's extremely easy for C++/C#/Java/Objc-C developers to switch to D without loosing any bit of their productivity, but gaining lots of possibilities, that can be used in future. And C++/C#/Java/Obj-C is the majority of the world now. Even PHP developers should think of D one day =). 3. That's the most arguable, but D's syntax and semantics looks much cleaner and uniform to me than Rust's.

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