On Friday, 9 May 2014 at 21:43:04 UTC, Trent Forkert wrote:

The way I've tackled that in my (still work-in-progress) CMake fork[1] is to add an `include_directories(TEXT ...)` signature.

I like that, it seems clean.

Unfortunately, you'll need to build my CMake from source, though that isn't difficult. Also, while I am hopeful about

The standard CMake build instructions just don't work on the
CentOS 6.5 systems we are currently using at work.  I gave
up after 2 hours. Since CMakeD2 is working for me I'm sticking
with it for now but...

getting my changes merged upstream, there is no guarantee of that, so proceed with caution.

... it would be great to have better D support in CMake, I
really hope your changes do get committed upstream.  I plan
on using D somewhat quitely for about a year and after I've
worked out the gotcha's start talking to my programming friends.
An upstream merge would get used.

Do note that my CMake work is independent of CMakeD2 and its forks. See my project wiki for more info.

[1] https://github.com/trentforkert/cmake

Thanks, I'll check it out.

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