This seems to work from quick testing, but it has casts in get_ref that I want to avoid.
cast(T*) refs[i] is obviously not @safe.
cast(T*) _buffer[read].ptr doesn't seem necessary, since _buffer[read] is conceivably a T so _buffer[read].ptr should be a T*. But without it I get "Error: cannot implicitly convert expression (&this._buffer[read]) of type const(char)* to char[5]*" I do want to pass in a preallocated buffer to store some pointers, at least as one get option. I also want to disallow modification to the ring buffer through those pointers. How might I rework things to enable that usage while being @safe?

enum TakeStrategy { cyclic, once }
alias TS = TakeStrategy;
struct StaticRingBuffer(T, size_t cap) {
        static assert (cap > 1);
        private T[cap] _buffer;
        private size_t _index = cap-1;
        private size_t _fill = 0;
        @property size_t extra() nothrow const {
                return cap-fill;
        @property size_t index() nothrow const {
                return _index;
        @property size_t fill() nothrow const {
                return _fill;

        @property const ref front() nothrow const {
                return _buffer[index];

        void put(T ele) pure nothrow {
                if (index == cap-1) _index = 0;
                else ++_index;
                _buffer[index] = ele;
                if (fill < cap) ++_fill;

        void put(T[] eles) pure nothrow {
                foreach(e; eles) put(e);

@trusted void get_ref(TS strat=TS.cyclic)(size_t n, const(T*)[] refs) const nothrow
                assert(refs.length == n);
                static if (strat==TS.once) size_t numreads = fixNToFill(n);
                else size_t numreads = n;

                size_t read = index;
                foreach(i;0..numreads) {
                        cast(T*) refs[i] = cast(T*) _buffer[read].ptr;
                        if (read == 0) read = fill-1;
                        else --read;


        private size_t fixNToFill(size_t n) const nothrow {
                return (n > fill) ? fill : n;

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