That really is it. The other methods are just other gets to the buffer, like this:

T[] get_dup(TS strat=TS.cyclic)(size_t n) const {
        static if (strat==TS.once) size_t numreads = fixNToFill(n);
        else size_t numreads = n;
        auto ret = new T[](numreads);
        size_t read = index;
        foreach(i;0..numreads) {
                ret[i] = _buffer[read].dup;
                if (read == 0) read = fill-1;
                else --read;

        return ret;

But ah, the .ptr property is not supposed to work for array element? In any case it still works as cast(T*) &(_buffer[read]). Here's the unittest I slapped together:

unittest {
        char[5] hello = "hello";
        char[5] world = "world";
        char[5] forty = "forty";
        char[5] three = "three";
        char[5] gdbye = "gdbye";
        alias chars_t = char[5];
        chars_t[] foo = [hello,world,forty,three];
        chars_t[] oob = foo.dup.reverse;
        StaticRingBuffer!(chars_t,4) bar;
        const(chars_t)*[4] ptrs;
        assert(bar.get_dup(4) == oob);
        foreach(i,ptr; ptrs) assert(*ptr == oob[i]);
assert(bar.get_dup(7) == [three,forty,world,hello,three,forty,world]);
        assert(bar.get_dup(4) == [gdbye,three,forty,world]);
assert(bar.get_dup(7) == [gdbye,three,forty,world,gdbye,three,forty]);

But now I see my problem is that a simple const(T*)[N] already initializes its elements to null, so nothing past that should modify them. And without the casts, the type on &(_buffer[read]) is a const(T*) instead of something else which finally makes sense. Somehow I thought .ptr was a property of everything.

And now I realize that I can just put the ptr array within the get scope, and return it, to initialize a lhs const(T*)[] by value. I was making things hard on myself by trying to modify a passed-in buffer.

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