I'm using / testing LuaD atm. It works very well, however, I've encountered a problem. When I load the module lualsp (for "lua server pages") the app crashes. If I run the lua script on its own

$ lua5.1 test.lua

it works perfectly fine. The lua server page is executed correctly. If I run the same script from within LuaD, the app crashes, same goes for

lua.doString("require \"lualsp\"");

I haven't been able to figure out how to load the module into lua correctly, obviously there is something going wrong. I hope there is a way.

The script test.lua:

-- test.lua
require "lualsp"

-- function from lualsp module written in C++
-- end test.lua

The lsp file:


    <? name = "Chris"?>

    <? print(name) ?>


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