On Tuesday, 5 August 2014 at 07:29:46 UTC, nikki wrote:
edit : btw, I understand how to build an app that conscists out of a few source files, I'd just do 'dmd file1.d file2.d' I amtalking here about the situation where that's unpractical because of the amount and folder structure.

You can take a look at the dub build tool to automate all this (as mentioned above). Dub works by compiling and linking everything together in your source folder. You specify the main entry point in a dub.json file. It's pretty easy to use and good for handling dependencies over the internet.

To compile things manually you can use rdmd to automatically parse the files that need compiling. When using rdmd you only need to specify the file that contains the main function to build everything around it. for example:

rdmd program.d

This will pull in all imports inside program.d and compile and link them too.

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