On 8/5/2014 5:06 PM, nikki wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 August 2014 at 07:57:57 UTC, Vladimir Panteleev wrote:
On Tuesday, 5 August 2014 at 07:51:53 UTC, nikki wrote:

rdmd -Isource example/source/app.d

that one worked, woohoo thanks.

what did the -Isource do? it's not in the 'rdmd --help'

You'll find it in dmd's --help. It adds the "source" directory to the
search path, the list of directories where the compiler looks for
imported modules.

edit: couldn't find that flag in dmd --help (only -Ipath), atleast I
know what it does now, hope I'll remember..
thanks a lot though @ great helpful community

The switch itself is -I, not -Ipath. 'path' indicates a parameter for which you need to substitute something, in this case a directory path. It should be the root folder for the source modules you want to add to the search path. In this case, for artemisd, the source files are in the 'source' directory, so -Isource is what you pass to dmd. If the directory were named 'foo' instead, you would pass -Ifoo.

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