On 09/02/2014 02:13 PM, monarch_dodra wrote:

> I'd suggest you create a range out of your std.stream.File, which reads
> it byte by byte.

I was in the process of doing just that.

> Then, you pass it to the "byDchar()" range, which will
> auto decode those characters. If you really want to do it "character by
> character".

I first started writing my own byDchar but then used std.utf.byDchar as you suggest. However, I had to resort to

1) Adding attributes to function calls which I know some are unsafe (see assumeHasAttribs() below). For example, I don't think getc() should be pure. (?) Also, how could all of its functions be nothrow? Is byDchar() is asking too much of its users?

2) I also had to make StreamRange a template just to get attribute inference from the compiler.

import std.stdio;
import std.stream;
import std.utf;
import std.traits;

auto assumeHasAttribs(T)(T t) pure
    if (isFunctionPointer!T || isDelegate!T)
    enum attrs = functionAttributes!T |
                 FunctionAttribute.pure_ |
                 FunctionAttribute.nogc |

    return cast(SetFunctionAttributes!(T, functionLinkage!T, attrs)) t;

/* This is a template just to take advantage of compiler's attribute
 * inference. */
struct StreamRange()
    std.stream.File f;
    char c;

    this(std.stream.File f)
        this.f = f;

    private void prime()
        if (!empty()) {
            c = assumeHasAttribs(&(f.getc))();

    @property bool empty() const
        return assumeHasAttribs(&(f.eof))();

    @property char front() const
        return c;

    void popFront()

auto streamRange()(std.stream.File file)
    return StreamRange!()(file);

void main()
    string fileName = "unicode_test_file";

void doWrite(string fileName)
    auto file = std.stdio.File(fileName, "w");

void doRead(string fileName)
    auto range = byDchar(streamRange(new std.stream.File(fileName,

    foreach (c; range) {

> What's wrong with reading line by line, but processing the characters in
> said lines 1 by 1? That works "out of the box".



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