Whoops, I just saw that my earlier answer was totally inaccurate.
I was on my phone at the time, so didn't look at the code in

On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 13:59:41 UTC, csmith wrote:
On Wednesday, 24 September 2014 at 11:07:56 UTC, Mike Parker
You're using deprecated OpenGL calls. The gl3 module only declares and loads modern OpenGL. If you really want to use the deprecated stuff, change the gl3 import to this:

import derelict.opengl3.gl;

And call load/reload on the DerelictGL instance rather than DerelictGL3. All of the modern stuff will still be available.

Thanks for this. Was using GLFW's example trying to troubleshoot
it. Wasn't really considering them using the outdated functions.
I guess I'll look for a different tutorial elsewhere.

Also, thanks for making it in the first place!

Yes, ##opengl on freenode has good tutorials and examples in the
topic. If you've been reading NeHe, drop it. NeHe is severely out
of date and anyone still recommending it probably don't know what
they're talking about.

Here's some links:

Note that modern OpenGL is a bit more involved to get something
on the screen. You'll be writing a lot more boilerplate in the
beginning, but a lot of the modern features are definitely worth

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