Today I tried to build a dll via dub, unfortunately I didn't succeed. I couldn't find much on the internet about it. Is it at all possible, and if yes, what's the config I have to use?

I tried this (and similar configs)

      "name": "myDLL32bit",
      "targetName": "myDLL.dll",
      "targetType": "dynamicLibrary", // Removed this too
      "targetPath": "bin/windows/32bit/dll",
      "platforms": ["windows"],
      "lflags": [
      "libs": [
        "somelibs ...",
"sourceFiles-windows-x86-dmd": ["source/dll/myDLL.d", "source/dll/dllmain.d", "dll/32bit/myDLL.def"],
      "excludedSourceFiles": ["source/app.d"],

I also included "mainSourceFile": "source/dll/dllmain.d", to no avail.

If I use a batch file, it works perfectly fine:

C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\dmd.exe -ofbin\windows\32bit\dll\myDLL.dll -L/IMPLIB etc etc

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