Hello people. I'm once more looking at D since I participated here a
bit last year. Since I'm still not 100% sure about committing myself
to using D i.o. C++ for my work, I'd really like to resurrect this
thread to clear my lingering doubts (the full thread is at
if people need context):

On 6/1/13, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisp...@gmx.com> wrote:
> The compiler will move an object rather than copy it when it can. So, for
> instance, if you pass the function a temporary, it'll move that temporary
> rather than copying it. However, if it's called with an lvalue, odds are
> that
> it's going to have to make a copy (though it might be moved if it were the
> last time in the caller that the variable was referenced).

I read the Bartosz Milewski article that someone (Ali?) recommended
once more. What I understood is that D avoids the copy-*constructor*
when given an rvalue as a function parameter. But the article seems to
indicate that D will still make a *blit* copy.

However, Jonathan's comment above indicates otherwise (or am I
misreading?). What is actually meant above by "move an object rather
than copy"? In C++(11), move semantics seem to mostly involve a swap
of pointers ponting to the data. Here we are talking about struct
objects directly containing the data.

Does "move" means that the content is going to be "moved" to a new
location in memory i.e. copied and then the old memory freed?

What I'd really like to see D do (please tell me if it does that
already) is to avoid constructing the struct twice, once at the caller
site and second time at the callee site when I'm passing an rvalue
struct as argument. For example:

struct Bezier { int p1x, p1y, c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y, p2x, p2y ; }
void draw(Bezier b) ;
void main () {
  draw(Bezier(100, 100, 133, 200, 166, 200, 200, 200)) ;

should only ever cause the one Bezier struct object to be constructed
because the rvalue is not used at the caller site. Does D do that

And even if what I'm passing to the draw function is an lvalue, say a
Bezier b which I have declared in the previous line to draw under
main(), if it is passed in with "in" keyword which implies "const",
then the function is not going to change the value anyway, so there
isn't any need to make a copy and so it makes sense if D actually
directly uses the content of the variable declared under main(). Does
D do this already too?

A further thought: If instead of draw(Bezier), I have Bezier.draw(),
then the values will be taken from the Bezier object directly whether
it is an lvalue or rvalue at the calling site, right?

And extending this, given that UFCS exists in D, draw(Bezier) and
Bezier.draw() should be equivalent, meaning that if Bezier.draw()
doesn't make a copy (even a blit) then draw(Bezier) shouldn't
[assuming of course that it doesn't alter the contents of the object],

Sorry if some of my statements above sound presumptuous, but I'm
really really excited about D, and really really want to get away from
C++, so please bear with me... Thanks!

Shriramana Sharma ஶ்ரீரமணஶர்மா श्रीरमणशर्मा

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