On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 02:00:11 UTC, Rikki Cattermole
On 13/11/2014 2:37 p.m., Casey wrote:
On Thursday, 13 November 2014 at 01:35:28 UTC, Israel wrote:
On Wednesday, 12 November 2014 at 23:40:09 UTC, Casey wrote:

I'll look into that, it seems as it might work. If D would be too hard to get working, what would you recommend? I would assume Ptyhon or C++ would be good choices, any chance you can recommend a forum for these or something? It's hard to find any documentation on what
I am looking for.


I tried to test out that de_window library but it doesnt work out
of the box.

The guy who created it though does post in this forum so maybe if
he magically finds this thread he can help you and me out.

That would be nice. I'll see if there's a way to PM him about it. Do you have any other programming language recommendations in case this
doesn't work out?

Sorry that functionality of de_window is out of scope of it. So of course, it won't work for what you want, it just creates a window and a context cross platform with input for that window.

The functionality you are wanting is possible against winapi and x11 fairly easily. Its just low level. Although X11 is a little easier as it can be done via a program on cli. Unfortunately c/c++ will help you as much as D will in these cases. If you run into trouble with those api's we can help you. But you will need help, these are topics that aren't recommended for a newbie.

I'm not quite sure how to receive key presses from other windows. Maybe Mike Parker (aldracon) has some ideas.

Do you have plans for making win32 bindings for the sendkeys?

Im interested in this too. Id like to do it with D but ive only
ever been able to accomplish this task with C# and InputSimulator.

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