On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 09:12:52 UTC, Paul wrote:
I would like to create a simple program using SDL. I've read this page http://dblog.aldacron.net/derelict-help/using-derelict/ and this one http://code.dlang.org/about and decided that using 'dub' would be the sensible option for a beginner so I downloaded the dub executable and put it in the same directory as my source file 'test.d'.

As per the example at the above url, I created a dub.json file in the same directory with contents as so:

"dependencies": {

If I have the relevant import statements in test.d, am I right in thinking I can use dub to build my program (not just download and build the derelict libraries)? The command dub build test.d gives me a 'failed to load package' error.

I'm using 32 bit Linux.

Any help appreciated :D


could you give some more details? Full package.json, the file-structure of your project and the full output from dub would help.

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