On Wednesday, 19 November 2014 at 10:09:55 UTC, Paul wrote:

Sorry, should have said, I built SDL and the libraries are installed in /usr/local/lib

could you give some more details? Full package.json, the file-structure of your project and the full output from dub would help.

@John Colvin
The entire contents of dub.json are as above. My program is a single file just to check that I can init SDL:

import std.stdio;
import derelict.sdl2.sdl;
void main(){

    // Load the SDL 2 library.

    //init SDL


The error is:

Error executing command build: Failed to load package at /home/paul/D-programs/: Expected end of string after JSON value, not ': {


your dub.json is invalid. Please see http://code.dlang.org/package-format

I'm not sure what the exact requirements are for a minimal dub.json, but you should at very least have a name. Also, watch out for where your source files are: dub expects them in a source/ or src/ folder by default, you can change this by setting sourcePaths in your dub.json

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