Ah, now I see. In C++ we would also need to supply template
parameters, but we'd put them before return type
(template<typename T> getResponse<Point<T>>); in D we put them
before the colon.

Now I'm trying to write a specialization for Pair. It seems that
this is the way to do it:

Pair!(A, B) getResponse(A, B: Pair!(A, B))(string question)
     auto a = getResponse!A(" a");
     auto b = getResponse!B(" b");
     return new Pair!(A, B)(a, b);

auto pair = getResponse!(Pair!(int, int))("pair?");

But it doesn't work: this call resolves to a general version T
getResponse(T), and I get a compilation error because it tries to
instantiate readf!(Pair*).
What am I doing wrong?

On Saturday, 29 November 2014 at 08:06:33 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
On 11/28/2014 10:26 PM, Sly wrote:

> I still don't understand how to
> read this signature:
> Point!T getResponse(T: Point!T)(string question)

The following is what makes sense to me.

Sorry for going step by step but I think it helped me understand your question. (See item 3 below.)

1) Point!T is the return type. Although T is unknown at this point, we will wait a little because it may be a template parameter.

Also, according to the syntax of Point!T, Point is apparently a template. So, this function will return the T instantiation of Point, whatever T will be deduced to be in a moment.

2) getResponse is the name of the function

3) The first set of parameters is the template parameters:

(T: Point!T)

The meaning: T is a type and this specialization is for Point!T.

Ok, I think I finally understand your original question. I agree that it doesn't make sense to say "T is a type and this specialization is for Point!T". I think we need to read it backward in this case: "This specialization is for Point!T. If so, deduce T from that." So, if getResponse is instantiated with Point!int, then T is deduced to be int.

4) The instances of this function template take string parameter.


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