On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 12:52:22 +0000
Ruslan Mullakhmetov via Digitalmars-d-learn
<digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com> wrote:

> On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 08:46:12 UTC, Ruslan 
> Mullakhmetov wrote:
> > yes. that was the mistake. also after fixing bug in Blk 
> > Attributes printing i got more reasonable attrs
> >
> > for object blk: FINALIZE
> > for array of objects blk: NO_SCAN APPENDABLE
> >
> > this is sound good except for NO_SCAN.
> >
> > ...
> > the other question why this happens... try to debug more.
> I've done more dubugging.
> what i've found:
> initially array blk has only attrs APPENDABLE, but after some 
> time this blk is shrinked and reallocated (moved) and then 
> NO_SCAN attr appears.
> here the output of my extended logs:
> --------
> before tag: 1 len: 2 ptr: 103DD9058 root: 103DD8000:8192 attr: 
> after tag: 1 len: 3 ptr: 103A21DD0 root: 103A21DC0:64 attr: 
> --------
> this is produced by the following code
> http://dpaste.dzfl.pl/0c6dc16270a1
> so in a nutshell after appending to array via ~= operator blk 
> attrs changed from APPENDABLE to NO_SCAN APPENDABLE which cause 
> the problem.
> why and how this happens? can anybody explain it to me?
can you give us a minified code that causes this behavior?

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