On Thursday, 11 December 2014 at 18:36:59 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
My analysis so far:

2. In the array append code, the block attributes are obtained via GC.query, which has this code for getting the attributes:


Quoting from that function:

// reset the offset to the base pointer, otherwise the bits
// are the bits for the pointer, which may be garbage
offset = cast(size_t)(info.base - pool.baseAddr);
info.attr = getBits(pool, cast(size_t)(offset >> pool.shiftBy));

Which should get the correct bits. I suspected there was an issue with getting the wrong bits, but this code looks correct.

3. The runtime caches the block info for thread local data for append speed. A potential issue is that the attributes are cached from a previous use for that block, but the GC (and the runtime itself) SHOULD clear that cache entry when that block is freed, avoiding this issue. A potential way to check this is to assert in a debug build of druntime that the cached block info always equals the actual block info. Are you able to build a debug version of druntime to test this? I can give you the changes you should make. This would explain the great difficulty in reproducing the issue.

I will try to build debug version of dmd compiler and check the issue.

4. If your code is multi-threaded, but using __gshared, it can make the cache incorrect. Are you doing this?

the app is multi-threaded via std.concurrency.

there is only one known to me place where __gshared is used: logging library (checked by searching through whole source tree). make stub for this lib and try, so identify whether cache invalidated by _gshared or not.

But the cache is really the only possible place I can see where the bits are set incorrectly, given that you just verified the bits are correct before the append.

Can you just list the version of the compiler you are using? I want to make sure this isn't an issue that has already been fixed.

the last. first of all i updated whole toolchain (dmd, dub).

$ dmd
DMD64 D Compiler v2.066.1


I started looking druntime and dmd source code myself before i checked the thread (thsnks for your help and feedback) and i have some questions. could you explain to me something?

i_m looking here https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/druntime/blob/v2.066.1/src/rt/lifetime.d#L591

line #603
auto size = ti.next.tsize;

why `next`? it can be even null if this is last TypeInfo in the linked list.


btw, i used suggested trackallocs.d and GC defenetely receives NO_SCAN

before tag: 1 len: 2 ptr: 103A78058 root: 103A77000:8192 attr: APPENDABLE gc_qalloc(41, NO_SCAN APPENDABLE ) cc: 29106 asz: 10152603, ti: null ret: BlkInfo_(104423800, 64, 10) after tag: 1 len: 3 ptr: 104423810 root: 104423800:64 attr: NO_SCAN APPENDABLE

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