Code is as follows:

import core.sys.posix.poll;

void main(){
        core.sys.posix.poll.pollfd[2] pollList;

main.d:(.text._Dmain+0x15): undefined reference to `_D4core3sys5posix4poll6pollfd6__initZ'

Remove "2" and it works.

import core.sys.posix.poll;

void main(){
        core.sys.posix.poll.pollfd[] pollList;

The error points to "__init". Struct is defined very simply.

    struct pollfd
        int     fd;
        short   events;
        short   revents;

I defined same struct in main file, and defined a similar array. There is no problem with that.

import core.sys.posix.poll;

struct pollfd2
    int     fd;
    short   events;
    short   revents;

void main(){
        core.sys.posix.poll.pollfd[] pollList;

        pollfd2[2] blah;

What is the reason of this error exactly?

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