Well, that's just disguising what we can't do.

When the a..b syntax was added to foreach() someone criticized that syntax saing it's a "one trick pony", and indeed I don't know why Walter didn't make it a little more first-class.

But note that in D the a..b ranges are always open on the right, so 'a'..'z' can't include the 'z'.

What do you think of this?

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.array;

auto charInterval(in char a, in char b) pure nothrow @safe @nogc {
    return iota(a, b + 1).map!(i => cast(char)i);

void main() @safe {
    char[] arr = chain(charInterval('a', 'z'),
                       charInterval('A', 'Z'),
                       charInterval('0', '9')).array;

charInterval can of course become eager too, so you just need ~ to concatenate the results:

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.array;

char[] charInterval(in char a, in char b) pure nothrow @safe {
    return iota(a, b + 1).map!(i => cast(char)i).array;

void main() @safe {
    char[] arr = charInterval('a', 'z') ~
                 charInterval('A', 'Z') ~
                 charInterval('0', '9');


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