On Wednesday, 8 April 2015 at 12:05:00 UTC, ddos wrote:
module vg;
extern (C) void vgSetParameterfv(VGHandle object, VGint paramType, VGint count, VGfloat *values);

module openvg;
public import vg;

void vgSetParameterfv(VGHandle object, VGint paramType, const(VGfloat[]) values)
vg.vgSetParameterfv(object, paramType, cast(int)values.length, cast(VGfloat*)values);

import openvg;
vgSetParameterfv(object, paramType, length, values); // call to fun in vg.d

how can i call both functions? i'd like to avoid using the module prefix vg.vgSetParameterfv if possible

Add to openvg:
alias vgSetParameterfv = vg.vgSetParameterfv;

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