On Wednesday, 20 May 2015 at 06:31:13 UTC, Mike Parker wrote:
I don't understand why this behaves as it does. Given the following two templates:

void printVal(T)(T t) {
void printVal(T : T*)(T* t) {

I find that I actually have to explicitly instantiate the template with a pointer type to get the specialization.

void main() {
        int x = 100;
        int* px = &x;
        printVal(px);        // prints the address
        printVal!(int*)(px)  // prints 100

Intuitively, I would expect the specialization to be deduced without explicit instantiation. Assuming this isn't a bug (I've been unable to turn up anything in Bugzilla), could someone in the know explain the rationale behind this?

import std.stdio;

void printVal(T)(T t) {

void printVal(T: T)(T* t) {

void main() {
        int x = 100;
        int* px = &x;

here it's selected correctly without explicit instantiation. But honestly i don't know why since the asterisk is removed from the T it looks quite incorrect.

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