On Sunday, 28 June 2015 at 01:02:02 UTC, Charles Hixson wrote:
I'm planning an application where a series of threads each need to be aware of the Tids of all the others. The number won't be known at compile time, but that doesn't seem to change the design.

All I've been able to come up with is a pair of loops, one to spawn the threads, and collect their Tids, and a second for each one to send its Tid to all the others. receive doesn't seem to want to work with shared Tids. My original design was to have a file level shared array of Tids, but receive (or possibly send) objected to attempts to use them. They aren't known until they've been spawned, so I can't pass them as spawn parameters. Etc.

This seems like a very clumsy initialization design. Does anyone have a better idea?

(The rough estimate of the number of Tids is six, but that's likely to change from run to run.)

The most elegant solution I can think of is this:

struct Go { }

__gshared const Tid[] allTids;

void myfunc(...) {
    // do the work

shared static this() {
    Tid[] tids;
    foreach(thread; threads)
        tids ~= spawn(&myfunc, ...);
    *cast(const(int)[]*) &allTids = tids;
    foreach(tid; allTids)

I believe the cast is not even undefined behaviour, because it's not immutable, but I'm not sure. But the const-ness guards against accidental modification of `allTids` by a thread.

Alternatively, you could make `allTids` private, provide a public getter, and implement the threads in another module.

Or you could simply leave the global array mutable and be careful not to modify it.

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