Given the following code:

class Base
        alias CallbackType = void delegate(Base);
        CallbackType callback;
        void foo()

class Derived : Base


void main()
        auto d = new Derived();
        d.callback = (Derived d) { /* Do something */ }

Obviously this won't compile, since the callback function needs to have Base as parameter, not Derived. But the given code is perfectly safe because in main d typed as Derived, not Base. Does anyone know a clean way to support the code given in main(), preferably by defining some smart CallbackType so Derived doesn't need to be modified?

I understand this is unsafe in other scenarios, for example:

class AnotherSubClass : Base


void bar(Base b1, Base b2)
        b1.callback = b2.callback;

void doom()
        auto b1 = new Derived();
        auto b2 = new AnotherSubClass();
        b2.callback = (AnotherSubClass a) { };
        bar(b1, b2);

But the CallbackType should be able to prevent such unsafe assignments.

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