On Saturday, 1 August 2015 at 17:22:40 UTC, NX wrote:
I wonder if the followings are compiler bugs:

class stuff_class
byte[1024*1024*16] arr; // Error: index 16777216 overflow for static array

struct stuff
byte[1024*1024*16] arr; // Error: index 16777216 overflow for static array

My project has just stopped for this reason, I was trying to hack into another process memory with something similar to this:
   stuff data;
ReadProcessMemory(Proc, (void*)0xA970F4, &data, stuff.sizeof, null); Target program is written in C++ and because of this limitation I'm not able to write equivalent code and here I'm stuck.

There a limit for static array size. This limits is exactly 16MB so 1024*1024*16.
Remove one element:

byte[1024*1024*16-1] arr;

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